Tuesday, April 8, 2014


No, it's not Memorial Day. It's not even Veterans day. Today has nothing to do with the military.

Except that it has everything to do with it. The reason I can sit here and type on my computer, the reason I can look outside and see my little sister playing with her friends without danger is because of them. I can live without fear for my life because there are men and women braver than I serving this country every day.

I was just thinking about that today. About sacrifice as well. You see, service to the country is a kind of sacrifice. It is one that I admire because it mirrors the sacrifice of one who has my eternal gratitude and love: Christ Jesus. He, though sinless, faced death for the sins of the world.

So I want to say thank you to those who served, who are serving, and to the families of those who give up time with their loved ones for the safety of this country. Does it have to be a special occasion for a citizen to express her gratitude towards those who protect this country? I don't think so.

So if you know someone who served, give them a hug for me and tell them they are appreciated! And to those who are serving, I pray for your safety and health everyday. May you be ever blessed for your sacrifice!

Why yes, that is a soldier and a kitten. :) I couldn't help it...

Best wishes,


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